Sunday, October 28, 2007

Anna Claire's Dedication at Church

Today wrapped up an exciting weekend full of family, friends, and celebrations! This morning, we had Anna Claire's dedication at church. Our DS came in to do the dedication, and it was a special time for our family. Anna Claire was able to wear her great-great grandfather's christening gown! So special. We had a quick lunch and then Granny, Papa Bear, and Aunt Elizabeth caught their plane to Dallas, and Anna Claire played for a while with all her new toys before taking a serious afternoon nap! Great day! (When you watch the video, make sure you have the sound on)


Anonymous said...

What a precious video...I'm wiping my eyes right now. Your family is so blessed! Happy Birthday AC!

Lindsay said...

That should say "when you watch the video, make sure you have tissues" !! She is truly lovely, Happy Birthday!