Monday, June 22, 2009

All a Matter of Perspective....

Yes, I realize my last post was approximately 10 days ago, but we've just been busy and not much to blog about; however, that's all about to change. You see, we're heading to Orlando in the very near future for General Assembly (sidenote: Orlando will never be the same after 25,000 Nazarenes descend on that city!) and we will also be taking a couple of days to visit Mickey and his friends. All this to say, the blog will be filled with pictures and fun stories soon, very soon.
Until then, here's a cute AC story and a funny picture:
Last night, Anna Claire and I were swimming while Brad did some yardwork. We had eaten a late lunch, and the day got away from us. It was late and we realized we hadn't eaten dinner, so we loaded up in the car and went for a drive. We drove through McDonald's, and ate dinner in the car. I was feeling a little guilty that for Father's Day dinner, we had McDonald's in the car, until Anna Claire piped up and said, "Daddy, we're having a picnic in the car!" To her, this was the best event of the day! It's all a matter of perspective....
And speakinging of perspective....look what this child of mine found at Gymboree the other night.
She fell in love with this hat, but I insisted that it had to stay at the store. She thought it was the greatest find ever!

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