Thursday, November 11, 2010

This Child's Brain....

Anna Claire's brain is constantly in overdrive. I blame her father for this trait. Kidding. Seriously, though, she is always thinking and has an imagination that is beyond me. She's at such a fun age right now!

Sometimes I will sarcastically say, "That's lovely, child", usually when she has done something that she is proud of but makes this mom cringe (think boogers...I won't go into can thank me later). The other night, she burped (loud!), and I said, "Anna Claire!", to which she quickly responded, "I'm a lovely child, Mom!"

Last night, her little Wednesday night class took a tour of the church building. One stop was to Brad's office. Brad was there to answer any questions and talk to them about his role as pastor. Anna Claire's teacher pointed to his laptop and said, "What do you think he uses this for?" One boy answered, "To type". The teacher said, "Good. What else?" (I think she was hoping they would say, "Check e-mail", work on his sermon, etc.) Anna Claire quickly chimed in, "He checks Facebook!" The teacher quickly moved to the phone on his desk. "What is this?" "A phone", they all said. "Who does he call?" "People" was one girl's response. Then, Anna Claire said, "Yeah, he uses his phone to call people in our church that have ummmm problems!"
Great, Anna Claire. I can just see her at school talking to her friends, "My dad's a pastor. That means he checks Facebook and talks to people that have problems."

This morning, I took Anna Claire to school, and after dropping her off, the teacher asked to see me in the hallway. Her teacher is great, but she's not the warm fuzzy type, so I was a bit nervous. She came out in the hall smiling and talk about how smart Anna Claire is, what a vivid imagination she has, etc. I was a little shocked by the praise this teacher was giving b/c that's not usually how she operates. Then she said, 'But yesterday, Anna Claire did something I've never had another student do"......oh no. My mind started spinning! She started laughing which eased my fears a bit and said, "All the kids were playing at different centers in the classroom. I looked up and saw Anna Claire laying on her back up on the table. Her legs were up in the air. Hughes (classmate) was standing by her. I immediately said, "Anna Claire, what are you doing?" She confidently answered, "Oh, I'm having a baby!" to which Hughes quickly assured the teacher, "And I'm supposed to catch it!"
Mercy. Where did she come up with this???

1 comment:

JIM said...

Oh my. I am speachless! You must post this on Facebook!