Sunday, September 2, 2007

A Busy 24 hours!

We've had a busy 24 hours, to say the least! Yesterday (Saturday), Brad flew in from Kansas City (he is there for seminary for 2 weeks) at 11am. Mom, Anna Claire, and I drove to New Orleans to pick him up. We ate lunch near the airport, and then took Mom back to the airport so she could catch a 3pm flight to Amarillo (visiting Dad in the thriving metropolis of Pampa!), and Robyn flew in from Oklahoma City at 4pm - whoa! Today, we went to church, and then drove BACK to New Orleans to take Brad to the airport! He will be back next Saturday, and Robyn will be staying with us for the week! Needless to say, due to all this time in the car, Anna Claire was in rare form today!
These first few pictures are of Anna Claire standing in her carseat - her new favorite thing to do when anyone attempts to buckle her in! One of the pictures shows off her top 4 teeth -greatness. and don't you just love the look she is giving me in the other picture - she's up to something!!!! :)

While Granny was here this past week, she spent HOURS on this house, and it looks fabulous! She just a way of organizing and cleaning that I think skipped a generation!! Anyway - she organized the "tupperware cabinet" and it looked so nice and tidy....WELL.....AC has rediscovered her love of are the results. Mom, don't cry! After she went to bed, I quickly went in there and re-organized it for you! Be proud!
This afternoon, we ran by Cafe du Monde near the airport and picked up some of thse scruptious beignets - YUMMY! Here, Anna Claire and her Aunt Robyn are sharing one - serious buisness!!!
And finally - Sophie....this past week, Granny put a towel down on this one chair that Sophie likes to jump up on and relax. Sophie isn't real thrilled with the towel, and this is what she decided to do....who needs a towell??

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