Saturday, November 3, 2007

Saturday Night with the Teens

Tonight, we spent time with the youth group from our church carving pumpkins, making caramel apples, and watching football! A good time was had by all! Here are some pictures from the evening:
In these first two pictures, Anna Claire is modeling her new shirt that her friend, Stella, (with the help of her mom) made for her b-day! It was such a pretty night, Anna Claire "drove" over to the church!

In this next picture, Anna Claire is ready to carve her pumpkin like the big kids! And, then, there's a picture of some of our teens carving pumpkins!

The next couple of pictures are some of our teens making caramel apples. We took "before and after" pictures *grin*

And finally, a picture of some of the beautifully carved pumpkins!

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