Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I, myself, will do it....

This was a phrase that rang thoughout my house when Elizabeth was little. I am reminded of this phrase on a daily basis with Anna Claire. She wants to try everything by herself, and she makes sure you know this!
Case in point....she has recently discovered that when eating, she can use her own spoon and have the food make it to her mouth with about 85% accuracy; therefore, she has mastered the skill of eating with a spoon/fork (or at least that's how she sees it). Tonight, she had ravioli.....and here is the result:
We still needed to go to Target after dinner, so a quick bath was in order. She cleaned up nicely, and we were off. She picked up some random items and we were on our way...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the new blog background! Also what a determined young lady AC is...feeding herself and everything. She is precious. =)