Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Say, "Cheese"

Today, we took AC for her 2 year pictures/Christmas pictures. As soon as I get the proofs, I'll post them. Until then....
She had to hang out with me for a little while at the office before we went to the picture place. Here she is double-checking our "picture-taking bag" to make sure we had all the necessary items (brush, bow, extra pair of tights, popcorn, etc.).
She practiced smiling all morning! Here's one of the "trial" smiles:
When it comes to getting good pictures, we are not above a good little bribe. Today it was ice cream! (and a ridiculously huge gumball, thanks to Daddy!) Yes, Gigi, we did brush her teeth! *grin*

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I was waiting anxiously for more updates. AC is adorable in her little polka dot dress!