Thursday, May 5, 2011

In the Woods

Last weekend, AC had soccer pictures before her game. Crazy me thought they would be right next to the field, so when we showed up, I was a bit confused as to why no one was there. Until I looked over towards the wooded area behind the fields....everyone was gathered there for pictures. So we hiked to the woods (ok, that may be a bit of an overstatement) for pictures.
AC had her friend, Hannah, spending the weekend.
I'm so curious as to how these pictures will turn out. I assume her feet will not be showing in the picture, seeing as how she is standing on a piece of cardboard. And the background -really? I had already pre-ordered a package of pictures, so I wasn't taking pictures of AC getting her picture made so that I wouldn't have to purchase some; however, this one photographer helper kept moving herself in front of me trying to make it where I coudn't take a picture. If she didn't want me to take pictures, then she should have asked me....but she didn't, so I had fun moving around and watching her follow. Simple Saturday morning fun.

Sunday night, our church had their Caravan closing ceremony. Here's AC with some of the kids in her Benson Buddies class.
 Receiving her awards for the year.

Enjoy a couple of videos of AC singing during the ceremony. One is from my phone and the other from my camera - not the best quality of video, but it's all good. 
And Mom- those are not her shoes. The girl next to her was having shoe troubles, so she and AC just swapped shoes for the ceremony.  

1 comment:

Sarah said...

The videos are precious! I love watching kids sing, but AC stole the show with her mosquito bite scratching. I can't wait until Anson is singing in church.