Saturday, October 20, 2007

Got Milk?

We do! And no more formula! YIPPEE! Anna Claire has transitioned well to milk in a sippee cup, and no more bottles!!! Life is good!
Today is Brad's birthday, and Anna Claire's gift to her daddy....she slept 'til 9:30 this morning! Greatness! This means Mom and Dad slept in as well! Anna Claire is going over to a friend's house to play this afternoon/evening, so that we can have a date night!
We have a favorite bakery in town, and since Brad's favorite season is fall, I went with a fall theme for his birthday "cake"/treats!

1 comment:

Dan and Elisabeth said...

Happy Birthday Brad! Ok Emily you are a great blogger!! I have a hard time updating every week and you do such a great job with your blog. The pictures look great! Anna Claire is getting so big. I'm glad things are going well. I love the picture of you and Brandee with the pumpkins! :)