Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Practice Makes Perfect, Right?

This coming Sunday, our church is having "Round Up Sunday", encouraging our members to "round up" their friends and bring them to church! After the morning service, we are having a BBQ lunch, and we've asked the members to bring cobbler! When my dad heard this, he said, "Emily, you MUST make cobbler in the dutch oven!" For those of you who don't know, my dad is Mr. Boy Scout (see post from 9/13), and he believes the only way to probably cook a cobbler is in a dutch oven! Now, I'm not about to build a fire pit in the back yard and teach Anna Claire the Boy Scout ways; however, my mom and dad left us the ingredients to make the dutch oven cobbler and said, "You might want to practice this week!" Not sure what they are trying to say about my baking skills, but I decided to try it out tonight! The house smells yummy and I think the cobbler looks pretty tasty! I just have to wait for Brad to get home from board meeting to be the official taster! I'm sure I'll recieve no complaints from that department! Enough about the cobbler - here are a couple of pictures.

And finally, here's a sweet picture of Anna Claire waiting for her Granny and Papa Bear to arrive and go to church!

1 comment:

Dan and Elisabeth said...

We miss your Martha Stewart cooking at BDJH! I love cobbler. What a great pic of Anna Claire. :)