Sunday, October 11, 2009

"Fun-tober" Continues...

We've had another great weekend celebrating "fun-tober"! Friday night, we had to run to the mall to pick up a birthday gift for one of AC's friends. While at the game store, she said, "Mommy, I need my picture with Mike the tiger!" She was fully convinced that this stuffed tiger was the LSU mascot, Mike! Funny side note - every Friday is LSU day at her school, so she wore her cheerleader outfit to school. Saturday was the big LSU/Florida game, so as I was putting AC's LSU jersey on to wear to the b-day party, she asked, "Is it LSU day again, Mom?" I tried to tell her that when you live in a college town in the fall, every day is spirit day!
After the mall, we got the Fall decorations out and started decorating the house. Here is AC "helping".
Saturday morning was a birthday party for AC's friend, Landry, who turned 3. At one point the kids were all coloring a three. Please look at the concentration on AC's face. So serious.
This morning was "Round Up Sunday" at church. The theme is obviously western, and AC was decked out.
And here she is with little David - the cutest baby boy!
I love this one - AC was kicking her feet, and little David thought she was so funny!

With her daddy at lunch in the gym
With the infamous Mrs. Sharon, who AC is pretty sure hung the moon!

AC with her friend, Maci Mae
And tonight, we went to Chuck E. Cheese. Apparently a memo was sent out to all residents within a 100 mile radius inviting them to Chuck E. Cheese tonight. Oh my, the place looked like someone had stirred an ant hill. It didn't phase AC - she had a blast! For whatever reason, she enjoys this bumble bee game. If we'd let her, all 100 tokens would go to this game. Riding the horse and helping Daddy play basketball easily tie for first place as well in her book!

1 comment:

Brandee Smith said...

So adorable! I can't believe this is your 3rd Round UP Sunday...great fun! =) Love all the pics and LSU stuff, you guys are hilarious! Miss you all! Brandee