Monday, August 18, 2008

Yes, I Know It's Only August....

....BUT...I was on Pottery Barn Kids website and noticed they already had their Halloween costumes posted, so I decided to give them a look. There are some cute ones this year, but these caught my eye....not because they're super cute, but because of the price. Can someone explain to me why a person would spend $119. on one of these costumes??? Seriously.


Sarah said...

I love Halloween costumes! Don't feel bad about looking in August - I've already bought one for Drew. :) However, his was $18 from the Carter's outlet. A far cry from $119!!! To think that I felt bad about spending $50 on a Tom Arma elephant costume for Clayton one year... Guess that there are people out there that are even crazier than I am!

Sally Anderson said...

Hi Emily, I'm a friend of your Mom's (we've met in some dental office or another and we were at your wedding but couldn't come to the reception). Anyway, I check your blog every day -- I just love it (and I love the new background). I just have to tell you that that duck thing is laugh-out-loud funny. I mean it's hysterical!! Anna Claire is adorable (we have a granddaughter who is 1 month younger so it's fun to see the comparison). That's all! --Sally A

Brad and Emily said...

Sarah - I LOVE all those Tom Arma costumes....too cute! And with AC's b-day being the day before Halloween, I can't help but go all out on her costume; however, I don't think I can bring myself to spend $119 on ONE costume...crazy.
Sally - I know who you are! I think you and Ken are my mom's favorite patients of all times! You knitted my sister and I beautiful scarves a while back and I still have mine (I wear it whenever I can...which isn't too often here in the South)! Stay tuned for more duck updates!