Sunday, January 18, 2009

"There's a Baby in My Tummy!"

Disclaimer: We are not expecting....this is a funny story about Anna Claire. Read on....
After church this morning, we met up with some friends at On the Border. On the way, Anna Claire was rather restless in her carseat, but we just chalked it up to her not feeling well and being tired. While waiting at the restaurant for a table, Brad was holding Anna Claire when she declared to me, "Mommy! I have a baby in my tummy!" I looked at her confused and asked, "What did you say?" to which she quickly responded, "Mommy!!! There's a baby in my tummy RIGHT THERE!" and pointed to her tummy. Thinking she was confused, I said, "Do you mean that your tummy hurts?" and she said, "No, Mommy! I have a baby in my tummy RIGHT THERE!" and pointed to her tummy again. So I put my hand on her stomach and felt something in her onesie (that she was wearing under a jumper). I reached my hand down her shirt only to pull out a Fisher Price Little People baby!!!!! HA. There really was a baby in her tummy. Leave it to a PK to steal toys from the church nursery!!!


Sally Anderson said...

What a hoot! I laughed out loud at this one. I just love this blog.

JIM said...

Emiky, This bring back memories of Sarah at age 3 she told me the same thing and said it had a hat on. I told her please don't come home and tell me that in 15 years! Love, Ms. Pinky

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious! That is a precious story. =)