Friday, January 2, 2009

The McKenzie Family World Tour...Christmas Edition

This year, we traveled to Dallas and Oklahoma City to spend time with family and friends for Christmas and New Year's! We had a wonderful vacation, and we are happy to be back home! This post will be long, but the video at the end will make it all worthwhile. Christmas Morning: And Kerstin made each of us a new coffee mug in her ceramics class - too cute! Christmas with the Etier Family: Ma-Maw gave Anna Claire a tree swing for Christmas. Well, Gigi (my mom) took it upon herself to pretend she was the tree to show AC how the swing worked! Funny. The humor of AC's gifts from Gigi and Papa Bear was a tutu and butterfly wings. AC wasn't all that interested, so Gigi decided to model them for AC. Never a dull moment. Kerstin got some fun things like Costco-size jars of Nutella (her favorite!) and a caligraphy set. And in true Etier/Boy Scout form...Gigi, Papa Bear, and Aunt Sissy bought Anna Claire a new tent and sleeping bag! And just for the record, the tent is set up in her room right now and she is sleeping in there as I type! While in Dallas, we accompanied Elizabeth to the AT&T store so that she could purchase her new IPhone. Funny story....this guy that helped us was hard to understand. At one point, he asked Elizabeth if she wanted to update something on the phone (I don't remember exactly what it was), and she quickly asked, "Do I want a date?"....HA! She turned red. I'm realizing as I type this that I think it is one of those 'you had to be there stories', but I'm going to keep it on here. Yogurtland....if ever you find yourself in Carrollton, you must go! This place is ridiculously good and slightly addicting! Here's Anna Claire riding a "horse" around Ma-Maw's apartment! No trip to Dallas at Christmas is complete without going to the Galleria. Oh, how I miss that place. Mom, Anna Claire, Kerstin, and Elizabeth at Tupinamba's in Dallas...a great Aggie-owned Mexican restaurant. The Land 'O Lakes butter box that Kerstin is holding is a family joke. Christmas with the McKenzie Family: Anna Claire got several wonderful things from her Grandpa and Aunt RoRo. She was most excited about this tricycle, and while everyone was opening presents, she tried many different ways to get her daddy's attention so that he would put it together! One of Robyn's (Brad's sister...Aunt RoRo to AC) gifts was a webcam. She partially opened it, and said, "Oh yes! This is great!" and then finished opening it. At that point she got this confused look on her face and said, "What is it?"....We are still laughing about that! After she learned what it was, she was really excited! Anna Claire modeling Aunt RoRo's sunglasses: Grandpa McKenzie went above and beyond this year and bought us a Wii! (I know there will be more posts in the future dedicated to this super fun game system.) Brad putting together THE tricycle...and then Aunt RoRo taking AC for a spin on the new ride! Kerstin and Anna Claire were playing with AC's new blocks when AC asked her to build Santa Claus. Kerstin did just that....impressive. Brad took Anna Claire and Sophie on a walk while in OKC. At one point, the sun was in AC's eyes, so Brad offered her his hat....This was the result. I don't think this is what Brad had in mind, but it's funny to see what AC came up with! When we were in the car one afternoon, we were listening to a cd that Grandpa received for Christmas. Anna Claire thought it was perfect dancing music! Enjoy the video!
Tomorrow, I will post pictures from our SNU tour, a visit with some friends, AC's new robe from Ma-Maw, and her new trick that her daddy taught her! Stay tuned....

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