Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day

This year, we decided to make a little leprochaun trap for St. Patrick's Day. As we were decorating the trap, I had a flashback to a story I'm pretty sure my mom still feels guitly about, but really she should be proud. When I was in 1st grade at a Dallas private school, instructions were sent home to bring a homemade decorated Valentine's box to school for the Valentine's party. My sister was 2 months old at the time and I'm sure the last thing (rightfully so) on my mom's mind was this Valentine's box. She let me decorate it to my liking and according to her (b/c truthfully, I don't remember this event at all), I was very proud of my box. We showed up to the class party only to discover most of the boxes had been decorated by the moms or professionals, and here I was glowing with my homemade one! This story comes to mind often when I'm helping Anna Claire with a craft or whatever b/c while I would love for it to look a certain way, I really want her to take ownership of something and make it her way. She's 4 and her creations should reflect that of a 4 year old.
Back to the 'trap' - I laid out some supplies and let her decide how to make the trap. I told her some 'facts' about leprechauns (they like shiny things, are adventurous, always looking for a rainbow, etc.) and here's her creation:

Anna Claire decided that the best place to set the trap would be by the front door. So, before going to bed last night, she placed her trap by the front door and went to bed.
When she woke up this morning, she said she dreamed about seeing the leprechaun and his cart leaving our house - love the imagination! She was excited to get out of bed and see if the leprechaun was in the trap.
Sadly, he wasn't, but he left his mark throughout our house!
The entry way was sparkling with confetti and a wrapper from one of the chocolate gold coins. Inside the trap, the leprechaun left a note that said "better luck next year" with a dollar and some shamrock stickers. He was also kind enough to make chocolate shamrock suckers for her friends at school.

The silly little leprechaun also had a trail of confetti in the bathroom and turned the water in the toilet green!
At breakfast, her place at the table was decorated, the coffee creamer was green and he even left some green chocolate covered strawberries with rainbow sprinkles on them!

Anna Claire had a great morning and was excited to go to school in her Lucky Charms shirt and Target Dollar Spot shamrock headband! :)

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