Saturday, February 7, 2009

Brad is Rad

Brad had a neat opportunity this past week to travel to Washington, DC. I sent him with the camera and strict instructions to take some are the results:

And sitting at Senator Vitter's desk:
And his hotel room:

Brad was also able to attend the National Prayer Breakfast where Obama and Tony Blair both spoke; however, security was tight, so he didn't take the move, Brad. And he had lunch in the Senate Dining Hall, but he informed me it was a business lunch, not really a time to take pictures. Guess we just have to visualize the navy bean soup and pumpkin ravioli which he said were delicious!
Moving right along.....
When we moved into our new house, I did not allow Brad to bring the infamous blue recliner that he held so dear to his heart for so many years. Yes, I'm just that cruel. A sweet family in our church bought some new furniture and, as a result, only had room for one of their recliners. They offered the other recliner to us, and Brad jumped at the opportunity. They delivered it last night, and here's AC giving her stamp of approval while watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse this morning:

1 comment:

Chris and Amanda said...

I wish I was important enough to get a invite to the Presidential Prayer Breakfast.